Sunday, September 7, 2008

With Thanks

Before i begin ( although this has actually ben added after this page was initially posted) we need to let you know that the title of our blog is a puzzle of words and languages pertinent to our travels which describe our adventure concisely. Please e-mail your answers to us and we will post the winner and the winning solution when it arrives . good luck

Please note our flickr link for add pictures that you dont see on our blogs is

So we are off (i will try and use spellcheck) goodbyes occurred for days and weeks.
The above picture was treats and goodbyes from Saanich ( i am even using CAPITALS) Peninsula Hospital. Thanks to Maureen for organizing, Dawn for finding budget allocation for the treats (did she know about this?) and everyone who attended, signed the card or sent regrets.

We had a similar party at Sally and Rose's with friends the week before (Sally and Deb organized) with pot luck deliciousness.

One commonality of both was really quite unforeseen by either Leah or I and that was the generosity of everyone in making donations for us to distribute as we see fit (as we discover) in Tanzania. This generosity extended to patients and friends through our practices too.

You will have to take our word for it that we would not have made it to the next picture without the help of many, many friends and family. Hyper cleaning (deep cleaning) was much more time consuming than we could have anticipated. Those of you who know us well might nod knowingly at the thought of this process chez nous but you will have to understand that we also took this opportunity to clean, discard and organize to a greater extent than we initially envisioned. Others helped us by lending us vehicles, taking care of our children, IM/IT
support, meals....

Graham and Griffin prepared the FedEx vouchers for transport of the bicycles to Cambridge in Graham's name (employee discount !) which needed to happen also in that crazed timeframe of the countdown to departure. Yes, yes we know we owe you big Graham !!

Sadly our departure is also greatly affected by the sad news of a bicycle accident involving the son of our dear friends Susan and Phillip, and we are thinking of them constantly as they sit by David in an Oslo ICU.

So to all and everyone thanks for your help, your best wishes , your emotional support and your generosity.

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